Onboard a Threat Defense Device

There are various ways to onboard a threat defense device for management. See the following use cases for what best meets your environment:

Threat Defense Devices Managed by Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center

Devices that are to be managed by the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center can be brand new, reimaged, or currently managed by another managing platform. For onboarding prcoedures, see the Onboarding Overview for cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center.

Threat Defense Devices Managed by On-Premises Firewall Management Center

Devices that are managed by the on-premises management center are not actually onboarded to Security Cloud Control directly; when you onboard the on-premises management center, all of the devices that are managed by that platform are onboarded by association and are nested under the "FMC" device entry in the Security Devices page. For more information, see Onboard an On-Premises Management Center to Security Cloud Control.