Upload new AnyConnect Packages

Use the following procedure to upload a new AnyConnect packages to an FDM-managed device running Version 6.5.0:


Step 1

Create an RA VPN Configuration from steps 1-4.

Step 2

In the AnyConnect Package Detected, you can upload separate packages for Windows, Mac, and Linux endpoints.

Step 3

In the corresponding platform field, specify the server's paths where the AnyConnect packages compatible for Windows, Mac, and Linux are pre-uploaded. Examples of server paths: 'http://<ip_address>:port_number/<folder_name>/anyconnect-win-4.8.01090-webdeploy-k9.pkg', 'https://<ip_address>:port_number/<folder_name>/anyconnect-linux64-4.7.03052-webdeploy-k9.pkg'.

Step 4

Click to upload the package. CDO validates if the path is reachable, and the specified filename is a valid package. When the validation is successful, the names of the AnyConnect packages appear. As you add more FDM-managed devices to the RA VPN configuration, you can upload the AnyConnect packages to them.

Step 5

Click OK. The AnyConnect packages are added to the RA VPN configuration.

Step 6

Continue to perform procedure in Create an RA VPN Configuration from here onwards.

What to do next

To complete a VPN connection, users must install the AnyConnect client software on their workstation. For more information, see How Users Can Install the AnyConnect Client Software on FTD.