Monitor Historical AnyConnect Remote Access VPN Sessions

You can monitor the historical data from AnyConnect Remote Access VPN sessions recorded over the last three months.

Before you begin

  • Onboard the RA VPN head-ends to CDO.


Step 1

In the left pane, click VPN > Remote Access VPN Monitoring.

Alternatively, you can click View Active Remote Access VPN Sessions on the CDO home page or navigate to VPN > Remote Access VPN and click the icon in the top-right corner.

Step 2

Click RA VPN.

Step 3

Click Historical.

  • Remote Access VPN Session data is stored and available to query for 1 year.

  • You can use Search and Filter RA VPN Sessions functionalities to narrow down your search based on criteria such as device type, session length, and upload and download data range.

  • The Data TX and Data RX information are not available for Secure Firewall Threat Defense.