Export the Change Log

You can export all or a subset of the CDO change log to a comma-separated value (.csv) file so you can filter and sort the information in it however you like.

To export the change log to a .csv file, follow this procedure:


Step 1

In the navigation pane, click Change Log.

Step 2

Find the changes you want to export by taking one of these actions:

  • Use the filter field and the search field to find exactly what you want to export. For example, filter by device to see only the changes for your selected device or devices.

  • Clear all the filters and search criteria in the change log. This allows you to export the entire change log.


CDO retains 1 year of change log data. It is recommended to filter the change log contents and download the results ot a .csv file rather than downloading up to a year of change log history.

Step 3

Click the export button in the top right of the change log.

Step 4

Give the .csv file a descriptive name and save the file to your local file system.